10 Strategies to build Brand Trust in B2B & Logistics

Digital Marketing Strategies for Freight Forwarders

Making connections and building trust—is fundamental in logistics and B2B, right? But let's shine a new light on this: we're navigating the digital age now, and relying solely on offline strategies and annual conventions for prospecting and marketing isn't enough. What if I tell you that leaders, who have fully embraced digital strategies, tend to outperform their peers by generating 3.5% more revenue and being 15% more profitable. Imagine that, with effective communication and a solid strategy, nearly half your job is done before you even enter the negotiation phase, allowing your unique approach to seal the deal.

Here's a concise yet impactful list of 10 strategies you should implement in your strategy now to stay ahead, let’s dig in !

1. Bringing the 'Be Human' Back

Take, for example, how leading logistics companies like FedEx share their stories, focusing on diversity, sustainability, and community service. These narratives resonate deeply with their audience, fostering trust and loyalty. Studies have shown that a majority of consumers feel a stronger connection to brands that share their values and give a face to the brand. So, why not use your company's story to bridge the gap between business and personal? Start by sharing your team's achievements and commitments on your website and social media platforms

2. Account-Based Marketing Centre of Excellence

DHL provides a stellar example of how tailoring services for specific industries, such as healthcare or automotive, can significantly elevate customer satisfaction and engagement. Aligning your sales and marketing teams to focus on high-value accounts, and using personalized communication and solutions, can lead to faster growth rates for your company. The first step is identifying key accounts and understanding their unique needs and challenges.

3. Logistics Gets Social

Basically, networking Without the Awkward Handshakes.

The power of social selling is evident in how it allows companies to network and engage with clients on platforms like LinkedIn, without the traditional barriers of physical networking events. Sharing industry insights, trends, and company achievements can position you as a thought leader in the logistics field. To effectively leverage social selling, start by creating content that addresses the specific interests and challenges of your target audiences

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4. Digital First, But Not Digital Only

While a digital-first approach is indispensable in optimizing your online presence for engagement and conversion, the importance of offline interactions cannot be understated. Personal connections made through industry events, trade shows, or face-to-face meetings add invaluable depth to business relationships. Balancing digital strategies with personal interactions can enhance relationships significantly. Consider organizing or attending events that allow you to connect directly with your clients and industry peers

5. Twinning in Logistics

The advent of digital twins has opened new avenues for strategic planning and risk management in logistics. By creating virtual replicas of physical assets or systems, companies can simulate scenarios and predict outcomes, thus minimizing risks and ensuring more stable operations. To incorporate digital twins into your logistics strategy, start by identifying key areas where simulation can provide the most value, such as warehouse operations or supply chain routes.

The industry is leaning heavily into automation and smart operations to streamline processes and boost efficiency so don’t overthink

6. Siri, Enhance My Customer Service

…….or Bixby ( if you use Samsung), why limit personal assistants to finding the nearest coffee shop? Integrating AI and IoT for customer service can revolutionize how logistics companies interact with their clients. Real-time tracking, personalized chatbots, and predictive services can significantly elevate the customer experience. Begin by integrating IoT devices for shipment tracking and exploring AI chatbot solutions for handling customer queries.

→ Read more about Leveraging AI to Transform Logistics Operations here

7. Cheers to Client Wins

Seen any good success stories lately? Sharing client achievements can act as powerful testimonials and build a stronger bond with your audience. It’s a classic consumer behavior to seek reassurance from others' experiences before making a decision

Whether through newsletters, social media channels, or dedicated sections on your website, celebrating client wins can enhance your brand's reputation and demonstrate your commitment to client success.

8 The Thinkers Behind the Truck

Positioning your company as a thought leader by sharing valuable insights, trends, and best practices can build trust and authority in the logistics industry. Start by identifying key topics that matter to your audience and create content, such as webinars, podcasts, and white papers, that addresses these areas.

9. See-Through operations

it’s not new, Transparency in operations is key. Being open about your capabilities, processes, and limitations can significantly enhance trust.. For example, implement tracking systems that offer real-time insights into shipment status, potential delays, and expected delivery times.

10 . Our Team, Our Strength

logistics digital marketing

Recognize that your employees are your greatest asset. Invest in their development, provide them with the tools they need to succeed, and celebrate their achievements. Happy, engaged employees are more likely to deliver the exceptional service your clients expect. Showcasing your company culture and employee satisfaction can also positively impact your brand perception among clients.


1) How do you measure the success of digital marketing efforts in the freight forwarding industry?

Success in digital marketing for freight forwarders, like in any industry, can be measured through a variety of metrics and KPIs. These often include website traffic, conversion rates, lead generation effectiveness, engagement on social media platforms, email marketing performance (open and click-through rates), and ultimately, ROI. Tools like Google Analytics, CRM systems, and specialized marketing platforms offer comprehensive insights into these metrics. You might consider searching for industry-specific reports or articles that discuss common benchmarks or success stories within logistics and freight forwarding.

2) What digital marketing channels are most effective for reaching B2B clients in logistics?

For the logistics and freight forwarding industry, LinkedIn often emerges as a powerful channel for B2B marketing due to its professional network base. Email marketing is another crucial channel, offering direct communication with potential clients. Content marketing, through blogs and white papers, helps establish brand authority and provides value to potential customers. Google Ads can also be effective in reaching businesses searching for logistics solutions. Looking up industry marketing surveys or reports can provide deeper insights into which channels have proven most effective for reaching B2B clients in logistics.

3) Can you provide examples or case studies of freight forwarders who have successfully implemented digital marketing strategies?

In a case study by Davies Turner, they collaborated with Jermyn Street Design, addressing the challenge of managing UK and European distribution due to increased supply chain demands. This partnership highlights Davies Turner's ability to offer customized logistics solutions, enhancing the client's distribution efficiency and supporting their business growth. For a deeper dive into how Davies Turner tailored their services to meet Jermyn Street Design's specific needs, visit their case studies page for more information.

For more details, please visit their case studies section: Davies Turner Case Studies.

Connect with Us

The logistics landscape is swiftly transforming, and those not leveraging the combined power of strategic consulting and digital marketing are falling behind. In this era where technology, sustainability, and customer expectations dictate the pace, partnering with a digital marketing agency isn't optional—it's critical. These firms are your gateway to not just surviving but thriving, ensuring your logistics services are seen and valued in the crowded digital marketplace

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