Google has a 90% reach worldwide

That’s almost 4.77 billion internet users.

Google is the most frequently used Search Engine Worldwide

Google Ads is used by around 80% of businesses worldwide, generating a revenue of $172.647 billion during the initial three quarters of 2023

How does it work ?

Google Ads work as an auction-based system where businesses bid on keywords relevant to their service or product. When a user/consumer does a search on Google, the search engine evaluates these bids along with other factors to determine which ads to display, the one related to its interests and needs.

Advertisers have the flexibility to target specific demographics, interests, locations, and devices, ensuring their ads reach the right audience at the right time

For Sales and Beyond

Beyond driving sales and traffic quickly through its powerful targeting, Google Ads can also be sued for retargeting, a chance for businesses to reconnect with potential customers who have shown interest but haven't yet converted. Or even more, companies can extend their reach and showcase their brand to a broader audience by displaying ads on relevant websites and platforms, thereby enhancing brand visibility and recognition

We Support your Business Growth -

We Support your Business Growth -

Let's Chat Over Coffee !

We promise it is not a sales call , so no pressure, we’ll simply answer your questions, discover your story and if we're not the right match for each other, that's perfectly fine


Frequently Asked Questions

  • When it comes to Google products, and most digital advertising products, the rule is simple: the more you invest, the more you gain. You have the flexibility to choose your budget, and we’ll always be there to guide you. Google works mainly on a 'Pay-Per-Click' system, where you only pay when someone click on your ad.

  • It really depends on the complexity of the account but fees will generally start at €450/month for management.

  • With our tracking system ready before launching campaigns, we can measure the ROAS and KPIs accurately.

  • We specialise in only a few services within the transportation industry. Our focused approach allows us to deliver exceptional results, much like a magnifying glass with the sun.