The primary objective of this privacy policy is to provide clear information to users of our website on how we collect, use, and safeguard their personal data. This policy operates in conjunction with our general terms of website use.

Website Publisher:


SIRET: 89529320700018

VAT ID: FR73895293207

Website Hosting: This website is hosted by Square Space.

Protection of Intellectual Property:

The content on this website is provided by the service provider and remains within their intellectual property. All rights of reproduction, modification, and distribution are reserved.

Partial or complete reproduction of works on the website cannot be carried out without the express consent of the service provider.

Users agree not to use, transmit, or reproduce all or part of these documents for organizing or hosting services related to those offered by the service provider. No actions of parasitism and unfair competition will be tolerated. Users are strictly prohibited from donating or reselling written, oral, or video materials provided by the service provider, under the penalty of legal action.

Data Protection and Privacy:

The data processed online by KIPPRESS pertains to users' personal information, collected with their consent. No personal data is sold, transferred, or disclosed to third parties.

This data is retained by the service provider for a duration of 3 years for professional prospecting purposes.

In accordance with applicable provisions related to information technology, files, and freedoms, you have the right to access, modify, rectify, and delete the data concerning you. The data processing controller for this website is KIPPRESS. If you wish to exercise these rights, you can contact Wafaa Charifi via email at

To request a modification, rectification, or deletion of your data, simply send the service provider an electronic or postal mail, providing proof of your identity.

If you believe that the website does not respect your rights regarding the protection of personal data, you can also file a complaint with the Commission Nationale Informatique et Liberté (CNIL), after attempting to resolve the dispute amicably.

Please consult the privacy policy provided for further information on this matter.


A cookie is a small file consisting of letters and numbers that is downloaded to your computer when you access certain websites. In general, cookies allow a website to recognize the user's computer. The most important thing to know about the cookies we place is that they are used to enhance the user-friendliness of our website, for example, by remembering site preferences and language settings.

We may use cookies and similar technologies for several reasons, including: i) for security or fraud prevention needs, to identify and prevent cyber-attacks, ii) to provide you with the service you have chosen to receive from us, iii) to monitor and analyze the performance, operation, and effectiveness of our service, and iv) to improve your user experience.

The cookies used are specified in the privacy policy.

To learn more about cookies, including how to view which cookies have been set and understand how to manage, delete, or block them, please visit or

It is also possible to prevent your browser from accepting cookies by adjusting relevant settings in your browser. You can typically find these settings in the "Options" or "Preferences" menu of your browser.

Please note that deleting our cookies or disabling future cookies or tracking technologies may prevent you from accessing certain areas or features of our services, or may otherwise negatively impact your user experience.

You can use your browser's "Help" option.

To refuse and prevent your data from being used by Google Analytics on all websites, please refer to the following instructions:

We may update this cookie policy. We encourage you to regularly check this page for the latest information on cookies.

Databases are protected by the provisions of the law of July 1, 1998, transposing Directive 96/9 of March 11, 1996, regarding the legal protection of databases.

Last Updated: 23/10/2023